NEWS Alert

FAA Announces Mental Health and Aviation Medical Clearances Rulemaking Committee

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Administrator Mike Whitaker, announced on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, that the agency has officially established the Mental Health and Aviation Medical Clearances Rulemaking Committee (ARC). Information on the ARC can be found here.

Per the agency’s announcement, the ARC will provide recommendations to the FAA on ways to identify and break down any remaining barriers that discourage pilots, as well as FAA air traffic controllers, from reporting and seeking care for mental health issues.

The agency noted that the rulemaking committee will submit its recommendations to the FAA by the end of March 2024. The FAA is expected to name experts from the aviation and medical communities who will serve on the committee soon. The committee will further the FAA’s previous work to prioritize pilot mental health. Information on this previous work can be found here.

Established in 1999, The Wicks Group (TWG) is a Washington, DC-based law and consulting firm that specializes in providing legal assistance and consulting services to aviation-related businesses and authorities around the globe. TWG is committed to delivering the expertise and solutions needed to produce exceptional results and value for each client.

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